Category 5

Brand Update

Category 7

Friday, December 29, 2006


Hi,friends so here i present my first quiz on this blog n i call this series as bizdom from shivy, i must mention that i m taking a cue from my senior partner Siddharth Misra who was the creator of earlier series of bizdom, so i hope there will be many answers with feedbacks.So here we start with the first of our series.

1. unsecured, high-yield, subordinated debt or preferred stock that represents a claim on a company's assets that is senior only to that of a company's shareholders.give the term for this definition.

2.This organisation was founded in 1919 by C.V.Starr in Shanghai, China. Starr was the first Westerner in Shanghai to sell this product/service to the Chinese. When his business was successful there, he expanded to Asia, Latin America, Europe, and the Middle East.In 1962, Starr gave management of the company's unsuccessful U.S. holdings to Maurice R. "Hank" Greenberg, who shifted the company's U.S. focus from personal insurance to high-margin corporate coverage.Which organisation am i talking about?

3.This great personality is an Indian Administrative Service (IAS) officer of the 1964 batch. Prior to joining the IAS, he worked as a lecturer from 1961. He holds a Ph.D. from Osmania University, Hyderabad, and was a visiting faculty at the Osmania University and the London School of Economics. Who is this great personality?

4.In 1990, the logo plus typography and typeface was designed by Landor Associates. The shield symbolises reliability, tradition, protection and security, the colour combination green (turquoise),
yellow and grey sets it apart from logos of predecessors and rivals while at the same time being very modern, distinguished and clear. Which bank's logo am i talking about?

5.This bank mainly focuses on rural areas and less on urban ones. However, it's subsidiary has a good presence in the big cities, and the combination gives the banking group a leading market share in French territory.It is the largest banking group in France, second largest in Europe and the sixth largest in the world by Tier 1 capital according to The Banker magazine. Which is this banking group?

6.On 14th September 1918 , this Banking Society was founded. Mr. J.K. Parulkar became its first Chairman,The Bank has the unique distinction of being a witness to History. The Bank, which was originally founded in 1918, i.e. close on the heels of the Russian Revolution, also witnessed as a Society and as Bank-the First World War, the Second World War.

7.Identify the gentleman in the pic/painting

1 comment :


    2. HSBC


    4. ABN AMRO

    5. rural bankin in France? CREDIT AGRICOLE



    pls e-mail the ans. to


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