Category 5

Brand Update

Category 7

Thursday, July 19, 2007

BiZdOm 3 * 3 BrAnD QuiZ 13


1. Connect

Lala Madan Mohan Lal

Lala Shri Ram

Lala Diwan Chand

Lala Sher Singh

Lala Ranbir Singh

Lala Krishanjas Rai

Rai Sahib Baboo Raj Narain

Rai Sahib L. Pyare Lal

Rai Bahadur L. Sultan Singh

Lala Brij Mohan Lal

Seth Ram Richhpal

Seth Laxmi Narain

Baboo Raj Nath

2. It was established as the first overseas Indian Branch of Electrical & Musical Industries Limited, EMI, London in year 1901. Later In 1978, they started manufacturing music cassettes in its Dum Dum factory.

3. It is an analgesic combination containing 150 mg of propyphenazone, 250 mg of paracetamol and 50 mg of caffeine. The combination is designed to produce effective analgesia with fast onset, as compared to paracetamol, ibuprofen, or aspirin alone. In the United States, a similar fast-acting analgesic is marketed under the brand name Excedrin.


1. There are 63 federal trademarks for the name "___". Many of the ___ brand names, it seems, are for innovative products that blend various features: Flavia ___ drink maker, Maxtor___ drive, Ford ___, and Gillette ___ razor are examples. It can also communicate a neat "2-in-1" feature, like in the tagline of a restaurant nearby, "The ___ of Asian and Latin cuisine."

2. What is been done by Starbucks to celebrate its 35th anniversary?

3. Every morning, in each of its offices all over the world, employees and managers are shouting the following cheer: “Give me a_! Give me an _! Give me an _! Give me a Squiggly! Give me an _! Give me an _! Give me an _! Give me a _! What’s that spell? _______ Whose ______ is it? My ______ Who’s number one?


1. What is the significance of this picture?

2. What is the significance of this picture?

3. Identify the brand which is been advertised here?


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