Category 5

Brand Update

Category 7

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

TATA CRUCIBLE 2008 -- Ahmedabad

Contributed by : Madhav Das [ Our Shiv's elder Brother] who works with ISRO.

q1. "choice is Simple"
a1. Deccan aviation"

q2. "Managing the next society"
a2. Drucker

q3. "St. Bernadinho is the patron saint of what "
a3. Advertising.

q4. who made sensei coffee maker ?

q5. Modernity in korean means what?
a5. Hyundai

q6. Speedy Service system ?
a6. McDonalds.

q7. In TATA round..... Pepsi entered india in 1988 ... whom did they collabarate with.?
a7. Voltas...... is a TATA company.... voltas was used to cool the pepsi.

q8. identify the ad campaign featuring amitabh and a small kid.
a8. it is Dabur hajmola.

q9. Name the magsasay award winner for invention of sulabh toilets in india.
a9. Forgot to note down ... it is a lady.

q10. some Question related to Virgin Galactic and Superman returns....donno
exactly what it was.

q11. What eureka Forbes mean .
a11. Euro Champs.

q12. Power corp "Enron" punchline ?
a12. Forgot to note down.

q13. Punchline of Domino's Pizza?
a13. Pizza Tigers.

q14. White revolution related to which comapny.
a14. Mother Dairy.

q15. Brand Ambassador of Himachal Pradesh.
a15. Dalai Lama.

q16. What did Percy Spencer of Raytheon Corp invent?
a16. Microwave Oven.

q17. Who makes F16 aircraft ?
a17. Lockheed Martin.

q18. what do Iand K stand for in Ikear.
a18. Ingvar and Kampwar... something like that...i donno what it is.... i
think it is an alloy of metals...

q19. Largest selling copyrighted book.
a19. Guiness Book of world records...

q20. Maxwell, Dynax, Alpha..... are names of what.
a20. Minnesota Camers...... i donno what ques this is.

q21. Better products , Bettter Value, Better ....... something ?
a21. Karsanbhai patel, Nirma

q22. Ahead Software related ques.
a22. it makes "Nero".

q23. Founder of Wikipedia.
a23. Jimmy Wales..... he is in Coimabatore today....visitng PSG Institute of Tech.

q24. Name the game patented in Britain as "Heaven and Hell"
a24. Snakes and Ladder.

q25. Auto giant which has its punchline as "innovative engg Impossible Dreams"
a25. forgot to note down.

q26. Heritage company owner who is also a popular politician.
a26. Chandrababu Naidu.

q27. Duetche bank has a '/' in its symbol which stands for progress.

q28. Unilever pateneted vaseline ....Robert Cheesborough

q29. Video .... identify the media house which produced this movie....actually they played a song of the movie.
a29. UTV

q30. Video showing a spoof on Harbhajan and rahul dravid
a30. HSBC Bank.

q31. Video showing amitabh bachan in ad
a31. Dabur Hajmola.

q32. identify th personalty
a32. Vikram Pandit.

q33. Name the airline which has Raffle class.
a33. Singapore airlines

q34. Mundra port promoted by whom
a34. Adanis

q35. who coined the term lateral thinking and parallel thinking
a35. Edward de Bono.

q36. Whose logo is "Power of local thinking"
a36. forgot to note down

q37. identify the personality from the picture
a37. it is Zig Ziglar

q38. Some ques related to Face book....i think it was how many years since facebook came into existence.

q39 Who passed from London School of Economics in 1923 and wrote the book " The problem with the Indian Rupee.?
a39. Dr. B R Ambedkar.

q40. 888 is associated with what.
a40. 8 Aug 2008 ...starting of beijing olympics.

q41. Punchline of vodafone.


  1. the founder of sulabh and magasasy winner is Mr. bindeshwar pathak

  2. a18 - Ingvar Kamprad.... thats the name of the founder of IKEA

    a20 - Minolta cameras


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