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Category 7

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Book Quest !

In his book, he describes the fall of a great British financial institution, and lists three major reasons for the collapse - Panic, Ignorance and Greed - the so-called “PIG Factor”. Name him and the book
Stephen Fay - “The Collapse of Barings”

He progressed from a mere trainee to a Triumphal Big Swinging Dick (in bond trading) through the dealing rooms of Salomon Brothers in NYC and London. His book is named after a game similar to the card game called `I doubt it’. He has also written another book - The New New Thing. Name him.
Michael Lewis - “Liars Poker”

It was first published in Korean (in ’89) as It’s a Big World and There’s Lots to be Done and sold 1.3 million copies within the first 20 months. It is an expression of this entrepreneur’s desire to share his personal experiences with younger Koreans, and is his autobiography. What is the book better known as (in its English translation)?
“Every Street is Paved With Gold” - Kim Woo Chong (chairman of Daewoo)

This book begins with the words “Business is going to change more in the next ten years than it has in the last fifty” and ends with “I strongly believe that if companies empower their employees to solve problems and give them potent tools to do this with, they will always be amazed at how much creativity and initiative will blossom forth.” Which book is this?
Business @ The Speed Of Thought - Bill Gates

His works include “Culture Consumers” and “Eco-Spasm Report”. He is best known for a book, which deals with man’s inability to cope with the rapid growth of technology. Name him.
Alvin Toffler, “Future Shock”

Which functional detective wrote the Practical Handbook of Bee Culture after he retired?Sherlock Holmes

This English multi millionaire composed “On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation”, which became the basic text of the classical school of English political economy. He is most famous for his “Iron Law of Wages”. Name him.
David Ricardo

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