1.Which is the first Indian company to sponser MSN messenger, the most popular one-to-one messaging system on msn.com?
2.Which internet company sometime ago blocked the sale of Nazi memorabilia on its US auction and shopping sites, in effect catapulting it to the jurisdication of an overseas court over online material?
3.Which popular brand established in 1938 gets its name from the second name of its founder? The first of the founder was Earl.
4. Fit, Fabric, Finish and Features-These are the four Fs of the worldwide marketing strategy of which company?
5. Which brand trademarked in 1948 is associated with the Battelle Development Corporation and how?
6. Which company introduced the fully transistorized “Handie-Talkie” HT-200 FM portable two-way radio in 1962?
7. ‘Snap’, ‘Crackle’ and ‘Pop’ are amongst the most recognized characters in advertising the products of which company?
8.Identify the man in question.

9. Connect the pics.

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