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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Famous Dropouts who made bucks in Business

Steve Jobs (a college dropout) Jobs graduated in 1972 from Homestead High School in Cupertino, California and enrolled in Reed College in Portland, Oregon. One semester later he dropped out. In 1976, Jobs started Apple with another fellow college dropout Steve Wozniak in his family garage in Los Altos, California
Bill Gates, a Harvard university dropout, based on his score 1590 in SAT test out of 1600 got admission in Harvard University in the year 1973. At Harvard University, Gates and his high school friend Paul Allen worked on a version of the programming language BASIC for the first microcomputer -- MITS Altair. Two years later in 1975, he decided to opt out of college to start Microsoft. However, in 2007 Bill Gates finally got a degree from Harvard, when the university conferred him with an honorary degree.
Michael Dell while studying at the University of Texas at Austin, started a computer company called PC's Limited in room 2713 of twenty-seven story residence hall Dobie Center. Then 19, Michael decided to drop out of college to run PC's Limited, which later became Dell Computer Corp, and finally Dell Inc.
Paul Allen too dropped out of Washington State University in 1975, to build the software giant Microsoft. Allen left Microsoft in 1983 after being diagnosed by Hodgkin's disease. Allen also owns three professional sports teams: The Seattle Seahawks of the National Football League, the Portland Trail Blazers of the National Basketball Association. and The Seattle Sounders FC. Paul Allen has 9th largest privately-owned super yachts in the world called Octopus.
Larry Ellison, the co-founder and CEO of Oracle Corporation left the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign after his second year. Later he went on to join the University of Chicago for one term, however, didn't complete it either. In 1977, Ellison put up $2,000 to start Oracle Corporation. Interesting fact is that, two years younger to arch rival Microsoft corp, Oracle went public a day before Microsoft in 1986. 
Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook founder) in 2004 while studying at the Harvard University started the social networking site Facebook. However, soon after he decided to drop out of college to run the site. Initially Facebook was supposed to be a networking site for university grads, but was thrown open for everybody in 2006. 
Jerry Yang, Ex-CEO of Yahoo, while studying Electrical Engineering at Stanford University in 1994 with fellow David Filo co-created an Internet website consisting of a directory of other websites called "Jerry's Guide to the World Wide Web". The site was renamed `Yahoo!' in April 1995. The same year the duo took a leave of absence and postponed their doctoral programmes indefinitely.
Mike Hudack, a high school dropout, founder and CEO of Blip is presently backed by venture capital including Bain Capital Ventures. Prior to Blip, Hudack worked as a developer and administrator for the National Hockey League, where he managed the team responsible for one of the biggest IT projects in the history of the League -- consolidating and re-developing the NHL's internal applications.

Well the list of dropouts is too exhaustive which also includes some Indian biggies, like
Gautam Adani (College dropout)
Dhirubhai Ambani (High-school dropout)

If you know some then share with us.


  1. One I can think of immediately is Sabeer Bhatia

  2. As per my knowledge, Sabeer Bhatiya is not a colg. dropout. He completed his engg. from IIT n was doing a job in US, which he left to start hotmail.

  3. I was wondering why there is no Indian in that list..

  4. Here are few more;

    Steve Wozniak-co-founder of Apple Computers
    David Geffen-co-founder of Dreamworks, SKG
    William Hanna-of the cartoon producers Hanna-Barbera
    Sheldon Adelson-real estate and casino owner
    Jack Taylor-Enterprise Rent-A-Car
    Tom Anderson, co-founder of MySpace

  5. hey...mostly indian drop-outs are not backed up mentally 2 shine in their life.the society asks 4 mere high marks in ur answer paper than real knowledge.need not just a change in mindset but the revoulution in the thinking of the masses as well as in the education system


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