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  • Category 7

    Monday, September 14, 2009

    Tata Crucible 2009- Mumbai Questions

    Final round qts
    Round 1
    1. Suhail Jain, Rashmi Gaur, Venkat, Balraman and Sam Thomas – Why are they currently making wavesin the world of biz?
    A- They are the sacked pilots of Jet airways.

    2. In 1880s Bivraj agarwal of Agra moved to a hill station with the Britishers and started selling ‘Gurdhani’. How is it better known now?
    A- Lonavla Chikki

    3. He argued “ if people take full accountability of taxes, they can reduce the burden of government.” Ronald Reagen was greatly inspired by this economist.
    A – David Ricardo

    4 . In 1873, TE Comstock Law was passed in US after Anthony Comstock. What was this Law concerning?
    A- Banning of advertising of condoms

    5. What is Crowd sourcing?
    A- Engaging masses to do your work Eg: Wiki

    6. It is composed of 3 arrows, forms the ‘Mobius strip’. It cant be trademarked.
    A- Symbol of Recycle bin

    ROUND – II
    1. Print Ad- Nintento Wii

    2. Statue of founder of Detroit city -> Caddillac

    3. Movie posture of ‘iesta’. This movie ended something. What?

    Ownership of Columbia Pictures Coke Sony

    4. Picture of a Doc by ‘Bihar Zamindari abolition Board’ by Govt. of Bihar. With its abolition, what was started after this?
    A – Concept of public borrowing. Govt compensated for the land they acquired.

    5. Pic – Creator of Alfred Newman ( MAD mag mascot)

    6. Pic of Jayprakash Garg, founder Jaypee Group.

    1. South Korea’s 2nd largest automobile co. – Daewoo
    2. Famous Indian who heads Tata Steel Adventure Fund –Bichandri Pal
    3. Variant Names of Tata salt
    4. Original name was ‘slim’, not used due to its wrong connotation? - Titan Edge

    1. London Carnivals, Fulham Football Club, crest of Harrods, Peter Pan Video - Mohd. Al Fayed (entities owned by him)
    2. OSO song, Playwin, Essel World Video, Ekal Vidyalaya – Zee Group
    3. Nestle, Lilliane Buttencourt, Bodyshop, Nanotechnology, Delhi 6 song(Sonam Kapoor) – Loreal
    4. Tamasek, Star, Ruper Murdoch, ISO 27001:2005, Amir Khan’s song – Tata Sky

    1. Description of Mindtree logo

    2. Former trader, Prof of Risk Engg at NY Univ
    - Wrote ‘Option Sellers’
    - Wrote a book on Randomness
    A – Nicholas Nassin

    3. Born in Sindri, educated in IIT(D) in 1994
    - Worked in CMC, Websci, AT&T
    - Richest Man in Gibraltor
    A- Anurag Dikshit

    1. Who is the marketer of Shraddhanjali Agarbatti, Marigold Jewellery, Upasna garments and Naturelly jams
    A – Pondicherry Aurobindo ashram
    2. In some year, US Post allowed a TV show on its commemoration
    A – Simpsons
    3. The person has been awarded NIKKEI Asia 2009 award for promoting a region for biz
    A- Kiran Mazumdar Shaw.


    1. hey thanks a lot brother for the questions in such a well framed form...!!!!! cheerzz

    2. Excellent job.thankyou

      (a slight correction
      Round 2 question 6 :JAIPARKASH GAUR)


    3. Intresting! But I wonder why you did not mention other popular and controversial blogs as well?


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