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Category 7

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A reality show for Virginity auction

A Sydney waitress plans to sell her virginity to the highest bidder in a live auction in the US state of Nevada. The show is the brainchild of Justin Sisely, a Melbourne filmmaker, who is planning to turn the event into a documentary. A for a face-to-face auction in Nevada with bidders will be placed in the same room as those auctioning off their virginity.

Sisely will pay each virgin $20,000. The contestants will receive 90% of the sale price, with the remaining 10% going to the Nevada brothel where the auction will be held. Bids are to be placed online before the final auction. The auditions were held with posters calling for "Virgins Wanted" over an image of the Virgin Mary. The auction will take place in a brothel in Nevada, 'sin-city' Las Vegas.

1 comment :

  1. Readers might be interested in a real documentary about virginity in the 21st century, as opposed to Justin Sisley's pimping of young Australians for Reality TV.

    You can learn more about the film at And you can read an entire thread of virginity auction stories at its companion blog at


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