Category 5

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Category 7

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Laver's Law on the Timeline of Style

James Laver, a famous costume historian and a past Keeper of the Robes at the London Victoria and Albert Museum, was a noted authority on dress and its relationship to society.

Laver's Law says that fashions have a timeline and are considered to be:-

Laver's Law

Indecent 10 years before its time
Shameless 5 years before its time
Daring 1 year before its time
Smart ----------
Dowdy 1 year after its time
Hideous10 years after its time
Ridiculous20 years after its time
Amusing 30 years after its time
Quaint 50 years after its time
Charming 70 years after its time
Romantic 100 years after its time
Beautiful 150 years after its time

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